34x60 shower with kohler handheld shower

34×60 shower with kohler handheld shower

NH Bath Builders recently completed two shower replacements in Madbury, NH. Both of these shower replacements included installing Swanstone shower bases and panels. Swanstone is a highly resilient material which comes with a manufacturers limited lifetime warranty. Swanstone tub and shower panels have been around for about 20 years. New colors and designs are helping this fabulous product become even more popular. This Swanstone installation also included the installation of A Kohler valve and shower head, and as always NH Bath Builders set the shower bases in mortar to ensure longevity. Take a look at some photos of these shower installation below. The average Sterling tub shower installed with a Kohler valve costs about 2390, the average Swanstone shower installed with a Kohler valve costs about 5800.


